Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Yerevan Raid

The sky is black, and the wind was whistling as the Khan rode through Yerevan. The women, and children whimpered as he passed. The Khan was feeling merciful for the very first time in his life, So he elected to only kill the men of the city. Jewels, coins, and beautiful women were being gathered for the Khan by his men. All of this was brought to the center of the city, where the Armenian King was tied to a post waiting to feel the Khan's blade. The sweet embrace of death awaits him, and to the Khan went the spoils.

source for the photo

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Thoughts of a Khan's Wife

"My Khan is a strong leader, and impressive horsemen, I am truly blessed to be one of his wives. Everyone hangs on his every word, waiting for a command, My Khan is like a god in human form. Just outside of camp, You'll find groups of young boys fighting over who gets to pretend to be him this time. It's a rather amusing to behold. He says that we will be raiding the land, where the Babylonians once ruled very soon. I'll admit that, I'm not looking forward to it. I hate sand!"

source for the photo

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Delhi Sultan's daughter

"Your armies lay waste to anything that you lay your eyes upon, and peoples that submit enjoy better lives. I love the people of this Sultanate, and I do not wish to see them slaughtered like the decadent Tangut. So, I have a deal to make with you, My Khan. I will become one of your wives, If you are willing to show mercy. "

source for the photo